Results of Our Development Cooperation

In 2020, Fida’s development cooperation impacted the lives of four million people, providing them with the tools and knowledge to improve their lives and shape their own futures.

Together with our partners we have made a significant difference in the rights of children and families in vulnerable situations. Here are some examples of the impact our work is having around the world.  

Improving children’s rights to education and health

In 2020, we strengthened more than 121,000 children’s right for education.

  • 15,000 parents, teachers and caretakers were trained on educational rights. 
  • Together with our partners, we contributed to 19 government decisions related to the strengthening of children’s rights. 
Promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights

We promote menstrual and reproductive health and rights so that no girl’s school is interrupted due to menstruation. As a result of our work, child marriages, poor menstrual hygiene, and sexually transmitted diseases are reduced. 

  • 15,500 women and girls received training and education on menstrual health and sexual and reproductive rights.
Advancing sustainable development in local societies

We provided people with information and new methods for promoting the sustainable use of the environment, including conservation agriculture and deforestation activities.

  • We planted more than half a million trees in 2020.
  • We improved the food security of up to 600 families in Burundi through sustainable farming and donation of seeds. 
COVID-19 support to communities in fragile situations

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on Fida’s work, changing the entire nature of development challenges. However, our Country Programmes were able to innovate new solutions to current challenges in local communities.

Our Covid-19 relief activities included:

  • Distance school packages to 27,700 Nepalese children when schools were closed during lockdown
  • Food aid to more than 41,000 people
  • Psychosocial support to 23,400 persons to help address challenging mental health issues, exacerbated by the pandemic. 
Thank you for supporting our work!