Financing and Reliability
Fida’s funding consists of funding for development cooperation granted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, proceeds from the Fida secondhand Shops and support from churches and private donors.
Fida’s roots lie deep in the Finnish Pentecostal Churches. The churches form the membership of the Association and support Fida financially. The church funding is used to provide services associated with overseas work and to cover the school fees of the children of missionary families. The Board of Fida consists of regionally elected representatives of the Pentecostal Churches.
Most important partnerships
Fida is one of the organisations receiving programme support for development cooperation activities from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The Ministry monitors the use of the funding through reporting and auditing of accounts and activities. We also have a Framework Partnership Agreement with DG ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations).
Use of donations
We raise funds with a permit issued by the National Police Board. Fida is a member of the Finnish Fundraising Association. In 2020, 81 per cent of income for Fida’s operational activities was used for missions, development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and the remaining 19 per cent was used to cover the costs of administration, communication and fundraising.
Most of our field workers are commissioned and employed by Finnish Pentecostal Churches and they work in collaboration with the local Pentecostal churches or other Christian churches or organisations. In this way, we are part of the global network of Christian churches and NGOs, through which we are able to provide help quickly by utilising local resources.