Romani-äiti istuu sängyn laidalla hätämajoituksessa.

A painful decision – my son stayed in Ukraine

Julietta sits on a mattress on the floor of the emergency accommodation. But there’s a hint of worry in the eyes of this calm, chatty 32-year-old mother. Two of her children are safely with her, but her 13-year-old son was not allowed across the border. He stayed in Ukraine with his father.

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Donate help for Ukrainians

Fida is fundraising emergency aid for Ukraine

Fida is preparing to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is causing a humanitarian emergency. Employees of Fida’s partner churches reported on Thursday morning that water has been cut off in the town of Šostka, 40 kilometres from the Russian border in northern Ukraine, and fuel will soon run out. People are panicking, a lot of people have nowhere to go.

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