Safer and Sustainable Environment for Children and Youth in Uganda

Vihreäpaitaisia oppilaita istuu luokassa pulpetin ääressä. Punapaitainen opettaja osoittaa tekstiä liitutaululla.

Uganda is one of the least developed countries in the world. Fifth of the population live in poverty, and more than half of the people are illiterate. Children have limited access to education due to risk of early marriages and child labour.

Uganda has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world, with more than a third of girls getting married before they turn 18. The living environment is not safe due to increasing rates of conflict and gender-based violence. Food insecurity is an ongoing challenge due to the use of traditional agricultural methods and tools. 

Strengthening the rights of girls, women, and persons with disabilities

Fida’s Country Programme aims to strengthen the right to education and a safe living environment especially for girls and women, and persons with disabilities. Fida partners with the Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (PCU). The work is implemented in Yumbe, Karamoja and Masindi districts. 

 Promoting inclusive education and families’ well-being

The Country Programme includes training and campaigns on children’s rights, with focus on children with disabilities. Teachers receive training on inclusive education and counselling. Schools are supported in using inclusive materials.

Children learn about their rights in Children’s Parliaments and clubs. The well-being of families is strengthened through psychosocial support, counselling, and training on child protection policy. Communities receive adult literacy classes and mentorship for youth.  

Business training and savings groups to improve families’ livelihoods

Communities receive information and training on sexual and reproductive health and rights to tackle issues such as teenage pregnancy and early marriage. Training on business skills and Village Savings and Loans Associations are implemented to improve the communities’ possibilities to generate an income.

The partner is trained on financial and administrative capacity to improve its operational practices.